Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well, we're finally here! It's the week of opening and tonight and tomorrow night we are previewing the show.

Dress rehearsals are always a bit tempestuous... new playing space, costumes, hair/make up, lights, props, etc. Mondays are always the worst, Tuesdays are 10,000 times better and by Wednesday/Thursday you are just ironing out the final wrinkles and the show gels nicely.

We are at that place in time where our show will reach the beauty it is meant to be. There are always 6 more changes and I have seen some new things from the cast mates even now. It is exciting and I can't wait for there to be an audience and to feed off their response.

This show kicks! I love performing in it, I love working with this group of people and I can't wait to share that love with all of you!

Thank you to all!

Break legs!!!!
