Monday, March 5, 2007

Halfway Point

Well, we've done two shows and have two to go. I have to say this has been the most fun I've had onstage ever. Our cast has become so tight over the last couple of weeks it feels like we've been working together for months getting this thing ready, rather than six hours.

Last night was spot on. We had a couple of snafus backstage (the overflowing men's toilet - no turds tho!) and one of our actors got locked in the women's room five minutes before curtain. It was hysterical. No one panicked, though and our brave actor was rescued and the show went on.

The air conditioning in the venue wasn't working well last night and that helped feed the claustrophobic atmosphere of Parkview. We all found our characters and Tom was able to blend in seamlessly with us and do fantastic work. The thing I love about this show is the total freedom we have; we can enter anytime we want, move around or not, interact with the other actors and even the audience, which makes each performance different.

I can't wait for Thursday and Friday, but I'll be sad when it's done, which is rare for me. A couple of weeks off then into rehearsals for TFG. That will be my first experience as an A.D. and I am looking forward to seeing what the group brings.

vive le conneries!